Saturday, August 18, 2007

Course Requirements

English 71-09
Instructor: Swan Ashby
Room: 575
Hours: MW 8-9:50 a.m, F, 9-9:50
Office Hours: F 8-8:50
Office Location: Rm. 400K
Class web log:

Required Texts: Within Reach: A Guide to Successful Writing, (Ingalls and Moody) Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997.

Expectations: A Reader for Developing Writers, (Ingalls and Moody) New York: Longman, 2002.

English 71 is a basic writing course focusing on paragraphs and short essays. The course will emphasize the writing process. Topics include paragraph structure, sentence structure, and editing for grammar, language usage, and punctuation errors.

Course Requirements

You will use the writing process—including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing—to create and develop paragraphs and short essays.
You will write at least 6 graded short essays or paragraphs of at least 150 words.
You will write at least one essay approximately 200-500 words including appropriate development of an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs and transitional words and phrases.
You will read and respond to sample paragraphs and essays to use as models for your writing.
You will keep a writing journal on a combination of responses to class work, topics of your choice, and assigned topics. Journals require 2 pages per week with at least one page related to class work.
By the end of the course you will be able to write clear sentences of various lengths and types and identify major sentence structure errors including fragments, run-on sentences, and comma splices.
By the end of the course, you will be able to recognize and correct errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Grades Are Based On:
6 Graded Paragraphs (150+ words) = 25%
1 Short Essay (200-500 Words) = 10%
Reading Response Homework = 5%
Journals = 10%
In-Class Activities = 20%
Quizzes = 10%
Mid-Term = 10%
Final =10%

In-class activities depend on your presence. Please come every day on time. You will be permitted 5 absences per semester; your grade may be compromised if there are more. If you know you will be unable to attend a class meeting, let me know ahead of time; it is not necessary for you to contact me if you are not in class. Do not continually leave early or come late; I will count these occurrences as partial absences. You will be able to earn extra credit points with perfect or near-perfect attendance.

Class Policies:
No late work will be accepted
No cell phone use or ringing
Come to class prepared
Work cooperatively with other students
Be an active student, participate in class, and take responsibility for your own learning. Except during group work, only one person at a time may speak. You are expected to listen attentively and refrain from conversation while another person is speaking. Treat fellow students and the instructor with respect.
Students are expected to refrain from behavior which interferes with the learning of other students and to respect and obey standards of student conduct while in class. The Student Code of Conduct, disciplinary procedure, and student due process can be found in the college catalog. Charges of misconduct and disciplinary sanctions may be imposed upon students who violate these standards of conduct and provisions of college regulations.

Academic Integrity:
v This class will be conducted in accordance with the college student code of conduct and basic standards of academic honesty. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
Special Needs:

If you have special needs (vision or hearing difficulties, a learning difference, physical challenge, etc.), please let me know right away, and I will do my best to accommodate you. Contact your DSS specialist for the Academic Accommodations Form, and give me a copy, so I can make any necessary adjustment/s for you.

Ø It is a good idea to exchange phone numbers with 2 or more classmates; some work not on the class schedule may be assigned, and if you are not in class you may get the assignment from your classmate contacts.
Ø All course requirements and assignments are subject to change

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